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CTAN update: hyperxmp

Datum: 21. Februar 2023 07:19:43 MEZ
Scott Pakin submitted an update to the hyperxmp package. Version number: 5.11 License type: lppl1.3c Summary description: Embed XMP metadata within a LaTeX document Announcement text:
XMP (eXtensible Metadata Platform) is a mechanism proposed by Adobe for embedding document metadata within the document itself. The metadata are designed to be easy to extract, even by programs that are oblivious to the document's file format. Most of Adobe's applications store XMP metadata when saving files. Now, with the hyperxmp package, it is trivial for LaTeX document authors to store XMP metadata in their documents as well. hyperxmp integrates seamlessly with hyperref and requires virtually no modifications to documents that already exploit hyperref's mechanisms for specifying PDF metadata. hyperxmp can embed a wide variety of metadata as XMP, including the list of authors, document title, contact information (telephone number, postal address, email address, etc.), copyright statement, keywords, natural language, and much more. hyperxmp is compatible with pdflatex, lualatex, xelatex, latex+dvipdfm, and latex+dvips+Distiller. Since the previous release, hyperxmp has fixed a handful of bugs and incorporated the following two modifications. First, hyperxmp disables itself if LaTeX3 document metadata is available. (Document metadata implies the presence of PDF management, which completely breaks hyperxmp.) Second, hyperxmp uses \thetotalpages to compute the page count in an engine-independent manner.
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/hyperxmp More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/hyperxmp
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hyperxmp – Embed XMP metadata within a document

XMP (eXtensible Metadata Platform) is a mechanism proposed by Adobe for embedding document metadata within the document itself. The metadata is designed to be easy to extract, even by programs that are oblivious to the document's file format. Most of Adobe's applications store XMP metadata when saving files. Now, with the hyperxmp package, it is trivial for document authors to store XMP metadata in their documents as well.

The package integrates seamlessly with hyperref and requires virtually no modifications to documents that already exploit hyperref's mechanisms for specifying PDF metadata. The current version of hyperxmp can embed the following metadata as XMP: title, authors, primary author's title or position, metadata writer, subject/summary, keywords, copyright, license URL, document base URL, document identifier and instance identifier, language, source file name, PDF generating tool, PDF version, and contact telephone number/postal address/email address/URL. Hyperxmp currently embeds XMP only within PDF documents; it is compatible with pdf, XeLaTeX, +dvipdfm, and +dvips+ps2pdf.

Version5.12 2023-09-10
Copyright2011–2023 Scott Pakin
BetreuerScott Pakin



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