CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: markdown

Datum: 1. März 2023 08:33:28 MEZ
Vít Novotný submitted an update to the markdown package. Version: 2.21.0-0-gee15b88 2023-02-28 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: Converting and rendering markdown documents inside TeX Announcement text:
Development: - Add renderers that represent the sections implied by headings. (#258, #264) - Add support for slicing fenced divs. (#229, #266) - Add support for TeX math surrounded by dollar signs. (contributed by @lostenderman, #61, #216, #267) Fixes: - Use MathML to render math in the user manual. (#261, #262) - Properly normalize link references according to [CommonMark](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#matches). (lostenderman#56, #265) - Fail gracefully when CLI receives unknown options. (eddcb18) - Rename `writer->encode_*()` methods to clarify their purpose. (lostenderman#101, #271, #272) Deprecation: - Deprecate the current semantics of header attribute contexts. (#258, #264) - Deprecate `hardLineBreaks` option. (#227, #263)
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/markdown The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/generic/markdown/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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markdown – Converting and rendering markdown documents inside

The package provides facilities for the conversion of markdown markup to plain . These are provided both in form of a Lua module and in form of plain , , and Cont macro packages that enable the direct inclusion of markdown documents inside documents.

Architecturally, the package consists of the Lunamark Lua module by John MacFarlane, which was slimmed down and rewritten for the needs of the package. Lunamark provides speedy markdown parsing for the rest of the package. On top of Lunamark sits code for the plain , , and Cont formats by Vít Novotný.

Version2.23.0-0-g0b22f91 2023-04-27
Copyright2009–2016 John MacFarlane, Hans Hagen
2016–2023 Vít Novotný
BetreuerVít Novotný



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