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New on CTAN: ETbb

Datum: 18. Februar 2020 17:31:18 MEZ
Michael Sharpe submitted the ETbb package. Version number: 1.001 License type: mit lppl1.3 Summary description: An expansion of Edward Tufte's ET-Bembo family Announcement text:
Based on Daniel Benjamin Miller's XETBook, which expanded Tufte's ETBook, the family name for the Bembo-like font family he commissioned for his books, etbb expands its features to add kerning tables that were missing in earler instances, and to include a full set of figure styles, small caps in all styles, superior letters and figures, inferior figures, a new capital Sharp S with small caps version, along with macros to activate these features in LaTeX. Both otf and pfb are provided. This Bembo is IMO more suitable as a book font than any other digital version.
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/fonts/etbb More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/etbb
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ETbb – An expansion of Edward Tufte’s ET-Bembo family

Based on Daniel Benjamin Miller’s XETBook, which expanded Tufte’s ETBook, the family name for the Bembo-like font family he commissioned for his books, ETbb expands its features to include a full set of figure styles, small caps in all styles, superior letters and figures, inferior figures, a new capital Sharp S with small caps version, along with macros to activate these features in . Both otf and pfb are provided.

Version1.056 2022-02-04
Copyright2002–2012 David J. Perry
2015 Dmitry Krasny, Bonnie Scranton, Edward Tufte
2019 Daniel Benjamin Miller
2020–2022 Michael Sharpe
BetreuerMichael Sharpe



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