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CTAN update: draftwatermark

Datum: 15. März 2020 17:08:30 MEZ
Sergio Callegari submitted an update to the draftwatermark package. Version number: 2.0 2020-03-14 License type: lppl1.3 Summary description: Put a grey textual watermark on document pages Announcement text:
Version 2.0 of the draftwatermark package includes the following changes: - overhaul of package configuration logic, now based on a key=value mechanism; - legacy interface for compatibility with documents using previous versions of the package; - options for choosing the anchor point for the watermark; - possibility for the user to manually switch on and off the watermarking inside the document; - possibility for the user to override the standard watermark layout; - fix for issues with documents redefining \unitlength
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/draftwatermark
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draftwatermark – Put a grey textual watermark on document pages

The package provides a means to add a watermark (typically a light gray piece of text) on every page or on the first page of a document. Typical usage may consist in writing words such as DRAFT or CONFIDENTIAL across document pages.

The package performs a similar function to that of draftcopy, but its implementation is output device independent.

As of today, the package relies on the new shipout hooks directly provided by . For users of older versions of , the package also provides a legacy version of itself (that is automatically loaded, currently being at release 2.3) which relies on the everypage package. Note that this legacy version will progressively lag behind in terms of features.

Version3.0 2020-12-08
Copyright2006–2020 Sergio Callegari
BetreuerSergio Callegari



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