CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN Update: knuth-pdf

Datum: 18. März 2021 17:56:18 MEZ
Andreas Scherer submitted an update to the knuth-pdf package. Version: 1.1 2021-03-17 License: pd Summary description: PDF library for C/WEB sources in TeX Live Announcement text:
This updated version of the 'knuth-pdf' packages incorporates suggestions by Udo Wermuth and by the CTAN team. The "legalese" in the 'README' file should make it clear that this package is maintained by Andreas Scherer and not by Donald Knuth and that the "Public domain" license covers only the files contained in 'knuith-pdf', but does not cover the actual source codes that are released under various (and varying) licenses as stated in the sources. Udo Wermuth suggested amendmends to the 'index' file(s) to distinguish between the authorship of Donald Knuth and other authors. (And he requested minor improvements in the display of 'index.html'.) Moreover, Udo Wermuth provided a wrapper script for the 'errorlog' to uncover the list of acronyms at the very end of the 'errorlog.tex' file. Thanks, Udo!
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/knuth-pdf The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/info/knuth-pdf/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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knuth-pdf – PDF collection of typeset C/WEB sources in Live

Here you find a large collection of PDF documents for many C/WEB programs in Live, both in their original form as written by their respective authors, and in the changed form as they are actually used in the Live system. Care has been taken to keep the section numbering intact, so that you can study the sources and their changes in parallel. Also included is the collection of “errata” for Donald Knuth’s “Computers & Typesetting series”.

Although not all the texts here are written or maintained by Donald Knuth, it is more convenient for everything to be collected in one place for reading and searching. They all stem from the system that Knuth created. The central entry point is the “index” file, with links to the individual documents, either in HTML or in PDF format.

Version2.1 2023-06-11
BetreuerAndreas Scherer



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