CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: armtex

Datum: 15. August 2022 21:15:51 MESZ
Serguei Dachian submitted an update to the armtex package. Version number: 3.0-beta4 License type: lppl Summary description: A system for writing Armenian with TeX and LaTeX Announcement text:
ArmTeX (a system for writing in Armenian with TeX and LaTeX) was updated from version 3.0-beta3 to version 3.0-beta4. This update includes some minor corrections, as well as several new commands related to using Armenian letters in math mode. Also, to better follow the CTAN policy, ArmTeX was repacked in a more "flat" manner. Nevertheless, for installation on a "real" TeX system, we provide the file "armtex.tds.zip" which contains a "TDS-packaged" version (which uses the directory structure of the previous versions). The main (and hopefully the only) reason to keep this version in "beta" state is still the outdated documentation: the provided manuals (both the Armenian and English versions) are the (almost unchanged) manuals of ArmTeX 2.0. However, a description of the new features of ArmTeX 3.0 is provided at the end of the "README" file.
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/language/armenian/armtex More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/armtex
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups. Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs .

armtex – A system for writing in Armenian with and

Arm is a system for typesetting Armenian text with Plain or (2e). It may be used with input:

  • from a standard Latin keyboard without any special encoding and/or support for Armenian letters,
  • from any keyboard which uses an encoding that has Armenian letters in the second half (characters 128-255) of the extended ASCII table (for example ArmSCII8 Armenian standard),
  • from an Armenian keyboard using UTF-8 encoding.

Users should note that the manuals still mostly describe the previous version of the package (Arm 2.0). However, a description of the new features of Arm 3.0 is provided at the end of the README file.

BetreuerVardan Akopian
Serguei Dachian
Arnak Dalalyan



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