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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/mathtools


The mathtools bundle


The mathtools package provides many useful tools for mathematical typesetting. It is based on amsmath and fixes various deficiencies of amsmath and standard . It provides:

  • Extensible symbols, such as brackets, arrows, harpoons, etc.
  • Various symbols such as \coloneqq (:=).
  • Easy creation of new tag forms.
  • Showing only the referenced equations.
  • Extensible arrows, harpoons and hook arrows.
  • Starred versions of the amsmath matrix environments for specifying the column alignment.
  • More building blocks: multlined, cases-like environments, new gathered environments.
  • Math versions of \makebox, \llap, \rlap, etc.
  • Cramped math styles.
  • and more ...

mathtools requires mhsetup.


The empheq package is a visual markup extension designed to function on top of amsmath. It features:

  • Boxing multi line math displays while leaving equation numbers untouched at the margin. Any kind of box will do.
  • Making the ntheorem package place end-of-theorem markers perfectly.
  • Placing arbitrary material on either side of math displays. This includes delimiters that automatically scale to the correct size.

empheq requires mathtools.


The mhsetup package defines various programming tools needed by both empheq and mathtools. In the future, most of these tools will probably be an integral part of 3.

Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Morten Hoegholm Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Lars Madsen Copyright (C) 2020- Lars Madsen, The 3 Project https://latex-project.org/ All rights reserved.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (1.1M).

mathtools – Mathematical tools to use with amsmath

Mathtools provides a series of packages designed to enhance the appearance of documents containing a lot of mathematics. The main backbone is amsmath, so those unfamiliar with this required part of the system will probably not find the packages very useful.

Mathtools provides many useful tools for mathematical typesetting. It is based on amsmath and fixes various deficiencies of amsmath and standard . It provides:

  • Extensible symbols, such as brackets, arrows, harpoons, etc.;
  • Various symbols such as \coloneqq (:=);
  • Easy creation of new tag forms;
  • Showing equation numbers only for referenced equations;
  • Extensible arrows, harpoons and hookarrows;
  • Starred versions of the amsmath matrix environments for specifying the column alignment;
  • More building blocks: multlined, cases-like environments, new gathered environments;
  • Maths versions of \makebox, \llap, \rlap etc.;
  • Cramped math styles; and more...

Mathtools requires mhsetup.

Version1.29 2022-06-29
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2002–2011 Morten Høgholm
2012–2019 Lars Madsen
2020–2022 Lars Madsen, The 3 Project
BetreuerThe Project Team
Lars Madsen
Morten Høgholm (inaktiv)
Will Robertson (inaktiv)
Joseph Wright (inaktiv)
Enthalten inTeX Live als mathtools
MiKTeX als mathtools
Siehe auchempheq
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