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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/mcexam


mcexam package v0.5

The mcexam package is a package that automatically randomly permutes the order of questions and answer options in different versions of a multiple choice exam/test. Next to the exam versions themselves, the package also allows printing a concept version of the exam, a key table with the correct answers or points, and a document with solutions and explanation per exam version. The package also allows writing an R code which processes the results of the exam and calculates the grades.

Jorre Vannieuwenhuyze 2021 jorrevadzoho.com

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the Project Public License, version 1.3c or later.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (239.7k).

mcexam – Create randomized Multiple Choice questions

This package automatically randomly permutes the order of questions as well as the answer options in different versions of a multiple choice exam/test.

Next to the exam versions themselves, the package also allows printing a concept version of the exam, a key table with the correct answers or points, and a document with solutions and explanations per exam version.

The package also allows writing an R code which processes the results of the exam and calculates the grades.

The following other packages are required: enumitem, environ, etoolbox, longtable, newfile, pgffor (from the PGF/TikZ bundle), xkeyval, and xstring.

Version0.5 2021-09-12
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2017 Jorre Vannieuwenhuyze
BetreuerJorre Vannieuwenhuyze
Enthalten inTeX Live als mcexam
MiKTeX als mcexam
Siehe auchesami
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