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%%%%%%%%% MedStar Beamer Template %%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% Written By: Anagha Kumar %%%%%
%%%%%%%% License: lppl1.3  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% Version: 2015-11-12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% I wrote a beamer template for MedStar Health presentations. %% 
%% An example of how the slides would look is provided in example.tex %%%%%%%% 

%%% I generated a separate style file (MedStarColors) %%% The user should download it as well as the .cls file
%%%% % This is a helpful website: http://www.r-bloggers.com/create-your-own-beamer-template/
% More information on colors available here: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Presentations

%%% The beamer themes info lines and mini frames were useful resources to work off of though others can also be used %%% 
%%% The two files (MedStarColors) and medstarbeamer.cls contain helpful comments to guide the user %%% 

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medstarbeamer – Beamer document class for MedStar Health Research Institute

This is a beamer template for MedStar Health presentations. It includes sample presentations using both .tex files and .rnw files. The document class is obviously compatible with both. The advantage of the .rnw file is that it can be used with knitr such that you can weave your R code with your presentation.

Version 2015-11-12
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
BetreuerAnagha Kumar
Enthalten inTeX Live als medstarbeamer
MiKTeX als medstarbeamer
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren