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Verzeichnis graphics/pgf/contrib/messagepassing


The messagepassing package

This package provides an environement and commands to easily draw diagrams to represent communication protocols using message passing among processes.

Processes are represented as horizontal (or vertical) lines, and communications as arrows between lines. The package also provides multiple macros to decorate those diagrams, for instance to annotate the diagram, to add crashes to the processes, checkpoints, etc..

The package works on top of tikz, which makes it easy to add ad-hoc items using regular tikz commands. To use it, run the following commands:

$ latex messagepassing.ins
$ pdflatex messagepassing.dtx

The first command generates the file messagepassing.sty that should be placed in the same folder than your main document. The second command generates the file messagepassing.pdf (you may require multiple runs to adjust internal references), which is the documentation for the package.


This package is provided under the terms of the Project Public License, version 1.3 or later.


The initial author of this package is Martin Vassor.

Related packages

  • msc: used to typeset message sequence diagrams, according to the Recommendation Z.120 of the International Telecommunication Union;

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messagepassing – Draw diagrams to represent communication protocols

This package provides an environment to easily draw diagrams to represent communication protocols using message passing among processes.

Processes are represented as horizontal or vertical lines, and communications as arrows between lines. The package also provides multiple macros to decorate those diagrams, for instance to annotate the diagram, to add crashes to the processes, checkpoints, …

LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2022 Martin Vassor
BetreuerMartin Vassor
Enthalten inTeX Live als messagepassing
MiKTeX als messagepassing
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