CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis macros/luatex/generic/minim-mp

Version: 2023/1.3


This package offers low-level mplib integration for plain LuaTeX and is 
designed with the purpose of being easy to extend.

The use of multiple simultaneous MetaPost instances is supported, as well as 
running TeX or lua code from within MetaPost. With the included minim-mp 
format file, you can even use LuaTeX as a stand-alone MetaPost compiler.


In order to obtain the typeset manual of this package, simply say:

    luatex minim-mp.doc


2023/1.3 (20/10/2023)

    * Various runscript improvements:
       - Supplement runscript environment with runscript-specific functions.
       - Provide an escape hatch for passing raw strings to lua.
       - Add helper macros and functions for safely passing values between 
         metapost and lua.
    * File i/o from metapost code is now included in the --recorder output.
    * Improve font handling in minim-lamp.ini, and provide \begin{document}.
    * Add a minim-mp.sty package file for LaTeX users.

2023/1.2 (3/3/2023)

    * Add a few more metapost macros.
    * Various small bug fixes.

2022/1.1 (3/3/2022)

  New features:

    * Made instance initialisation more flexible; this replaces M.init_files 
      with M.init_code (see manual).
    * Add support for the glyph of operator.
    * Add support for the even-odd rule of filling and noncontinuous paths.
    * Add experimental latex support (the minim-lamp format).
    * Make minim-mp compatible with tikz/pgf.
    * Expand the plain macro set slightly.

  Minor changes:

    * Improved display of metapost logs.
    * Redefine units to fit other numerical engines better.
    * Fixed a bug in pattern generation that prevented simplifying patterns 
      into raw pdf code.
    * No longer write out superfluous line widths.

2021/1.0 (1/6/2021)

  This was the original release.


(c) 2022 Esger Renkema, Michal Vlasák

These files may be distributed under the terms of the European Union Public 
Licence (EUPL) version 1.2 or later. A copy can be obtained at:


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minim-mp – Low-level mplib integration for Lua

This package offers low-level mplib integration for plain Lua and is designed with the purpose of being easy to extend.

The use of multiple simultaneous instances is supported, as well as running or lua code from within . With the included minim-mp format file, you can even use Lua as a stand-alone compiler.

LizenzenFree license not otherwise listed
Copyright2022 Esger Renkema
BetreuerEsger Renkema
Enthalten inTeX Live als minim-mp
MiKTeX als minim-mp
Siehe auchminim
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