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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/minutes


Name of contribution: minutes Name and email: Knut Lickert <knut@lickert.net> Location on CTAN: tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/minutes http://tex.lickert.net/packages/minutes/index.html Summary description: Package for writing (collection of) minutes German Information: Paket zum Erstellen von Protokollen to take minutes = Protokoll schreiben protocoll = diplomatische Protokoll License type: Free ( Project Public License)

Announcement text:

minutes.sty provides the creation of a collection of minutes. Special features:

  • Support of tasks (who, schedule, what, date of finishing), possibility of creating a list of open tasks inclusion of open tasks from other minutes ('open last year tasks') (also possible as task.sty)
  • Support of attachments
  • Support of schedule dates (support of calendar.sty)
  • Different versions (secret parts')
  • Macros for votes and decisions (list of decisions)

The minutes package contains:

  • minutes.dtx
  • minutes.ins
  • protokol.tex German description
  • Overview.tex Include for minutes.dtx and protokol.tex Also stand-alone document
  • Tagesordnung.tex A template for a "Mitgliederversammlung"
To run the examples, you need blindtext.sty.

After running minutes.ins this package include:

  • minutes.sty The style itself
  • minutes.cfg A configuration file
  • Sample.tex A file, including an English, Dutch and German minute
  • SampleEN.tex An English minutes (loaded by Sample.tex)
  • SampleDE.tex A German minutes (loaded by Sample.tex)
  • SampleNL.tex A Dutch minutes (loaded by Sample.tex)
  • MinStyGd.tex A file to check the behavior with other classes, test different layouts...

==================================== Version 1.8b. Solves some incompatibility with other packages.

Version 1.8c: Minor corrections (space around – at time) Corrected documentation (previous pdf was uncomplete)

Version 1.8d (2009-12-04) Add Polish texts Correction French texts Correction in example file Protokol.tex (after error message in d.c.t.t.) Extend samples with attachments with label.

Version 1.8e: Minor corrections Polish

Version 1.8f (2010-10-03/2016-10-01): corrections for optional minutes-title correction in texts (avoid unwanted spaces) Adaption version numbering in this readme

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (405.7k).

minutes – Typeset the minutes of meetings

Supports the creation of a collection of minutes. Features include:

  • Support of tasks (who, schedule, what, time of finishing;
  • possibility of creating a list of open tasks;
  • inclusion of open tasks from other minutes;
  • Support for attachments;
  • Support of schedule dates (in planning: support for the calendar package);
  • Different versions (‘secret parts’); and
  • Macros for votes and decisions (list of decisions).

Support for minutes in German, Dutch and English is provided.

LizenzenThe Project Public License
BetreuerKnut Lickert
Enthalten inTeX Live als minutes
MiKTeX als minutes
ThemenMeeting admin
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren