CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis fonts/modes

$Id: README,v 1.2 2020/01/28 19:17:03 karl Exp $
This is the modes.mf distribution.  This Metafont file defines all known
modes, and some useful macros.  In TeX Live, it is compiled into the
default mf.base.

The source contains extensive comments about usage, defining new modes
(still welcome), and more.

modedpicheck - a little script to ensure correct dpi setting for all
  modes, as arithmetic must be used for large values.
  (See the check target in ./GNUmakefile for running this and more.)
modelist.txt - list of all modes, with long name included.
modenames.txt - just the mode names.
GNUmakefile - support various development activities.

Originally created decades ago.  Released to the public domain.

Compiler and maintainer: Karl Berry <karl@freefriends.org>
Discussion list: tex-fonts@math.utah.edu
Home page: https://ctan.org/pkg/modes

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (298.2k).

modes – A collection of mode_def’s

The modes file collects all known modes for printing or display devices, of whatever printing technology. Special provision is made for write-white printers, and a ‘landscape’ mode is available, for making suitable fonts for printers with pixels whose aspect is non-square.

The file also provides definitions that make \specials identifying the mode in ’s GF output, and put coding information and other Xerox-world information in the TFM file.

Version4.2 2020-09-08
LizenzenPublic Domain Software
BetreuerKarl Berry
Enthalten inTeX Live als modes
MiKTeX als modes
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren