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Verzeichnis fonts/vf-files/msx2msa

These are vpls which map the old ams symbol fonts msx* and msy*
to the new ones, msa* and msb*

This works slightly better than to copy msa* to msx* etc,
particularly in the case where old dvis are around


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msx2msa – Simulate msxm and msym fonts using msam and msbm

In the deeps of time, the AMS distributed mathematical symbol fonts called msxm and msym; these fonts were designed using the original (SAIL) version of and for a long time after the demise of that system were only available as 300 dpi bitmaps.

Eventually, the symbols were re-implemented using ‘modern’ in fonts called msam and msbm. The virtual fonts of this bundle implement the encoding of the old fonts using the glyphs of the new fonts, and can be used as drop-in replacements in documents (and even when processing DVI files).

Version 1992-08-16
Siehe auchmsym
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