CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis macros/musixtex

This is MusiXTeX, version 1.37 (2023-10-07).
MusiXTeX is a TeX-based system for typesetting music.

The main author was Daniel Taupin, who died in a climbing
accident in 2003; other authors credited in the MusiXTeX
manual are Andreas Egler and Ross Mitchell. MusiXTeX is now
being maintained by

Don Simons dsimons(at)roadrunner(dot)com
Hiroaki Morimoto CQX05646(at)nifty(dot)com
Bob Tennent rdt(at)cs(dot)queensu(dot)ca

The package includes

   + Postscript slur support, due to Stanislav Kneifl

   + musixlyr support for lyrics, due to Rainer Dunker

   + musixcrd support for chord symbols, due to Robert Hennig

   + support for music text in Palatino, Helvetica, Times 
     and EC fonts

   + several other extension packages 

   + a script musixflx.lua for the 2nd-pass processing

   + a script musixtex.lua that uses pre-processors prepmx,
     pmxab or autosp, as necessary, and automates the 3-pass
     etex -> musixflx -> [pdf]etex process, possibly
     followed by calls to dvips and ps2pdf (or dvipdfm) to
     convert the output to Portable Document Format (PDF)

   + wrapper scripts musixflx.bat and musixtex.bat for use on Windows

MusiXTeX fonts, including both the original metafont sources
and Type 1 versions by Takanori Uchiyama, and specialized
fonts frenchtab and MuseJazzText have been moved to a
separate musixtex-fonts package, which must be installed
before using the MusiXTeX macros.

musixtex-install.{pdf,tex} is a more-detailed version of the
following instructions:

To install (on TDS-compliant TeX systems):

 +  unzip mirror.ctan.org/install/macros/musixtex.tds.zip at the root of a
    texmf tree and, if necessary, update the filename database; 
    e.g., texhash texmf.

 +  on Windows: move the scripts in Windows to a folder
    on the executable PATH (or add that folder to the PATH)

 +  on any Unix-like system: install symbolic links musixflx
    and musixtex in a directory on the executable PATH to
    scripts/musixtex/musixflx.lua and scripts/musixtex/musixtex.lua,

Documentation for MusiXTeX and friends is installed under 


Documentation for the musixflx and musixtex scripts are in 


Many users, especially beginners, will find it easier to
use the PMX and M-Tx pre-processors, which accept a simpler
input language than MusiXTeX itself. Another pre-processor,
autosp, simplifies input to MusiXTeX by automatically
generating note-spacing commands. These pre-processor
packages may be found at CTAN under support. Additional
documentation, additional add-on packages, and many examples
of MusiXTeX typesetting may be found at the Werner Icking
Music Archive at


Support for users of MusiXTeX and related software may be
obtained via the MusiXTeX mail list at


MusiXTeX may be freely copied, duplicated and used in
conformance to the GNU General Public License (Version 2,
1991, see included file gpl.txt) or (at your option) any
later version.  

This distribution is maintained by Bob Tennent

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (2.4M).

MusiX – Sophisticated music typesetting

MusiX provides a set of macros, based on the earlier Music, for typesetting music with . To produce optimal spacing, MusiX is a three-pass system: etex, musixflx, and etex again. (Musixflx is a lua script that is provided in the bundle.) The three-pass process, optionally followed by processing for printed output, is automated by the musixtex wrapper script.

The package uses its own specialised fonts, which must be available on the system for musixtex to run.

This version of MusiX builds upon work by Andreas Egler, whose own version is no longer being developed.

The MusiX macros are universally acknowledged to be challenging to use directly: the pmx preprocessor compiles a simpler input language to MusiX macros..

Version1.37 2023-10-07
LizenzenGNU General Public License, version 2 or newer
BetreuerJean-Pierre Coulon
Hiroaki Morimoto
Don Simons
Bob Tennent
Olivier Vogel
Andreas Egler (inaktiv)
Ross Mitchell (inaktiv)
Daniel Taupin (verstorben)
Enthalten inTeX Live als musixtex
MiKTeX als musixtex
Siehe auchpmx
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren