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Lua Document Class: novel

The novel document class is intended for popular fiction books, printed to paper: murder mystery, historical romance, etc.

Special attention to the needs of print-on-demand.

Site github.com/rallg/novel is the canonical project page for the Novel document class, as seen in live and at CTAN. It is now in version 1.83, November 2023. Only change from 1.82 is a minor typo.

Also see the novelette document class, by the same developer. It is much simpler, yet does what it needs to do. Expected in late November, 2023. Site github.com/rallg/novelette but not yet at CTAN, since it is still Alpha stage.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (4.8M).

novel – Class for printing fiction, such as novels

This Lua document class is specifically written to meet the needs of original fiction writers, who are typesetting their own novels for non-color print-on-demand technology. Built-in PDF/X is available, using new technology.

The package is well suited for detective novels, science fiction, and short stories. It is however not recommended for creating color picture books or dissertations.

LizenzenThe SIL Open Font License
The Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2017–2023 Robert Allgeyer
BetreuerRobert Allgeyer
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