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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/numerica-tables

numerica-tables: a package to create tables of function values.

Andrew Parsloe (ajparsloe@gmail.com)

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this 
license or any later version; see


numerica-tables allows the creation of possibly multi-column 
tables of mathematical function values in a wide variety of 

Version 3.1.0 requires version 3 of numerica and the booktabs 
package. numerica must be loaded  before numerica-tables. 
Version 3.1.0 of numerica-tables adds an index to the docu-
mentation and allows the rounding value to vary with row or 
column (or both). See numerica-tables.pdf for details on how 
to use the package.

README.txt             this document

numerica-tables.sty    LaTeX .sty file
numerica-tables.pdf    documentation for numerica-tables.sty
numerica-tables.tex    documentation source file

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numerica-tables – Create multi-column tables of mathematical functions

The package defines a command to create possibly multi-column tables of mathematical function values. Key = value settings produce a wide variety of table styles consistent with the booktabs package (required).

Also required are the packages numerica, l3kernel, l3packages, amsmath and mathtools.

LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
BetreuerAndrew Parsloe
Enthalten inTeX Live als numerica-tables
MiKTeX als numerica-tables
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