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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/phfthm


The phfthm package

Goodies for theorems and proofs.

The phfthm package provides enhanced theorem and proof environments, based on the amsthm original versions. It allows for hooks to be placed, adds some default goodies and is highly customizable. In particular, it can connect theorems to proofs, automatically producing text such as "See proof on page XYZ" and "Proof of Theorem 4: ..."


Run make sty to generate the style file, make pdf to generate the package documentation, and make install to install the package in your local texmf tree. Run 'make' or 'make help' for more info.

Author and License

(C) 2016 Philippe Faist, philippe.faist@bluewin.ch

License: project public license, version 1.3 or above

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phfthm – Goodies for theorems and proofs

This package provides enhanced theorem and proof environments based on the amsthm original versions. It allows for hooks to be placed, adds some default goodies and is highly customizable. In particular, it can connect theorems to proofs, automatically producing text such as “See proof on page XYZ” and “Proof of Theorem 4: ...”.

Version1.2 2021-03-01
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2016–2021 Philippe Faist
BetreuerPhilippe Faist
Enthalten inTeX Live als phfthm
MiKTeX als phfthm
Mathematische Theoreme
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren