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rcs – Use RCS (revision control system) tags in documents

The rcs package utilizes the inclusion of RCS supplied data in documents. It's upward compatible to *all* rcs styles I know of.

In particular, you can easily

  • access values of every RCS field in your document
  • put the checkin date on the titlepage
  • put RCS fields in a footline

You can typeset revision logs. Not in verbatim – real text! But you need a configurable RCS for that. Refer to the user manual for more detailed information.

You can also configure the rcs package easily to do special things for any keyword.

This bundle comes with a user manual, an internal interface description, full documentation of the implementation, style information for AUC-, and test cases.

Version 2007-06-06
LizenzenGNU General Public License
BetreuerJulian Gilbey
Joachim Schrod
Enthalten inTeX Live als rcs
MiKTeX als rcs
Siehe auchrcsinfo

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