CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

tablestyles – Styles for tables with new commands

This package tries to introduce a separation of text and style in tables by defining reusable table commands and a simple interface to define a style for a table. Furthermore the package defines commonly used column styles and a bugfix command for lists in tables.

However, the author told us in March 2023: “I wrote [this package] about ten years ago, [...] since at that time no package with layout options for tabulars was available. [...] However since nowadays much better packages are available that do the same job, but are much more professional in code base, usability and results, I want to remove my package from CTAN.”

Version0.1 2014-06-27
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2014 Matthias Pospiech
BetreuerMatthias Pospiech (inaktiv)
Enthalten inMiKTeX als tablestyles

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