CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network


Das Gästebuch enthält 169 Einträge.


Thanks to you things look better!
nisthesecond, 2018-06-03 20:16 CEST

Muchas gracias es un gran programa muchas felicidades!!!
Lourdes Espinoza, 2018-04-15 01:57 CEST

Hallo world

Very happy to enter this new world
celeste, 2018-03-04 16:39 CET


After much search I have managed to generate a few hieroglyphs.

My attempt to upload this effort as an example to others, failed on the first attempt.

I will try some more. best, dick farrell

Dick Farrell, 2018-02-01 00:59 CET

How to install supp-pdf.mkii?

Hi, i would like to instal supp-pdf.mkii, could you help me please?

Regards, Walid

Walid, 2018-01-09 16:27 CET

Thankful for people like you.

Formerly computational neuroscience faculty at UChicago, now focused on mathematics and statistics at KnuEdge Inc, doing physics, math, logic--diverse writing topics--I can't overstate how much I appreciate your efforts. The greatest contributions are made to benefit others, not make money. But only by exceptional people like you. Thank you so much.
David C. Bradley, 2018-01-07 09:14 CET


Thank you very much for deveoping this tool. It saves a lot of time.
Keerthi, 2017-12-12 19:21 CET

thank you

Thank you so much for creating this style, it saved me a lot of work trying to understand how to edit a bst file.
mar, 2017-12-05 16:16 CET

Best Site Ever

Thanks for the great work, guys.
anonymous, 2017-11-06 18:39 CET

Whole hearted Thankful to the ctan team

Since 2005 I am keenly interested in Latex, but since 2005 I could not produce Tikz example in my PC. By installing protext by your site I am able to produce Tikz examples in my PC. AS A FESTIVAL, TODAY IS GOOD DAY FOR US IN INDIA. I VERY MUCH HAPPY ABOUT THIS. I am whole heartedly Thankful to the CTAN Team, which gives above the festive mood, I AM ENJOYING THE WORK ABOVE THE FESTIVE MOOD. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR GOOD SELF
SURESH KATTI, 2017-09-29 08:19 CEST

Thanks for saving my day

I don't know what would happen if I didn't find this site. I was stack with a package & after getting the link of this website, I'm feeling like I've got everything in my hand. Thanks a lot & keep up the good work...
Azmian Yakin Srizon, 2017-09-09 02:16 CEST

Congrats and thanks

I have little to do with Sciences or Maths, but my boss is Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (a technical University). He told me about LaTeX and I decided to give it a try. It's soooooooo nice!!! :) I'm currently studying LIS and I use LaTeX for all my homework. That wouldn't be possible without you, CTAN people, so thanks!!
María J., 2017-09-01 12:45 CEST

Thank You

Thank you for providing this database! I'm just beginning in the TeX world but I hope to use it more and more.
anonymous, 2017-08-29 02:50 CEST

Great web site

From UK, aerospace PhD in control. Big fan of LaTex
Julio Gonzalez, 2017-08-19 21:33 CEST

I have been here, thanks

I am from Brazil, I am a mahematician and LaTeX user
Tarcisio Praciano-Pereria, 2017-07-30 22:48 CEST

Do I Need A Linux?

Hi, I have a PC. Do I need to put Linux on my computer in order download this font? Best, Eren
Eren, 2017-07-22 23:57 CEST

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