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cleveref-usedon – Adds forward-referencing functionality to the cleveref package

Imagine you are reading a long mathematical text such as a text book or a thesis.

There are plenty of supplementary lemmas, propositions, theorems and/or exercises throughout the whole text.

You ask yourself “Gosh, while Lemma 1.12 is certainly an interesting result, where is this result used later on in this long text? I really would find that helpful to decide why I should read the proof.”

You can, of course, use the PDF search function of your viewer to look up the string “Lemma 1.12”, but wouldn’t it be more helpful if Lemma 1.12 already indicated all or at least its most useful/crucial applications via an info message?

This is what this package tries to address: The info message “Used on p. 40, 43-45 and 101.” would then be printed to the header of Lemma 1.12.

This is done by extending the \cref and \Cref commands and giving them an optional argument UsedOn. Every time you wish to record a reference in the “used on page list”, you would simply type \cref[UsedOn]{<LabelName>}. If you use \cref without this optional argument, this reference won’t be recorded in this page list.

Version0.4.0 2023-04-21
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2023 Sven Pistre
BetreuerSven Pistre
Enthalten inTeX Live als cleveref-usedon
MiKTeX als cleveref-usedon
ThemenLabel ref

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