CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

datatool – Tools to load and manipulate data

The tools comprise six packages:

  • datatool.sty: databases may be created using commands or by importing external files; they may be sorted numerically or alphabetically; repetitive operations (such as mail merging) may be performed on each row of a database, subject to conditions to exclude particular rows; commands are provided to examine database elements, and to convert formats (for example, to convert a numeric element to a format compatible with the fp package;
  • datapie.sty: a database may be represented as a pie chart; flexible options allow colouring of the chart, and annotation hooks are available;
  • dataplot.sty: a database may be represented as a 2-dimensional scatter or line plot; flexible options control of the plot's overall appearance, and of legends and other extra information;
  • databar.sty: a database may be represented as a bar chart; overall appearance, colouring and annotation are controllable;
  • datagidx.sty: provides a way of indexing or creating glossaries/lists of acronyms that uses to do the sorting and collating instead of using an external indexing application, such as xindy or makeindex;
  • databib.sty: a bibliography may be loaded into a datatool database, and manipulated there before being printed (this permits a -based route to printing bibliographies in formats for which no style is available); and
  • person.sty: provides support for displaying a person’s name and pronoun in a document, thus avoiding cumbersome use of “he/she”, etc.

The drawing packages make use of PGF/TikZ for their output.

The bundle supersedes and replaces the author’s csvtools bundle.

Version2.32 2019-09-27
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2009, 2013–2019 Nicola Talbot
BetreuerNicola Talbot
Enthalten inTeX Live als datatool
MiKTeX als datatool

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