CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

exscale – Implements scaling of the 'cmex' fonts

This package implements scaling of the math extension font cmex. If this package is used the site needs scaled versions of the font cmex10 in the sizes 10.95pt, 12pt, 14.4pt, 17.28pt, 20.74pt, and 24.88pt (corresponding to standard magsteps using \magstephalf, and \magstep1 through \magstep5). Additionally cmex variants for the sizes 7pt to 9pt are necessary. These fonts are part of the AMS font package.

This package is part of Standard .

Version2.1i 2018-09-24
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright1993–2023 The 3 Project et al.
BetreuerThe Project Team
Frank Mittelbach
Rainer Schöpf
Enthalten inTeX Live als latex
MiKTeX als ltxbase
Siehe auchsauterfonts

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