Dieses Thema enthält Pakete zur Anordnung von Objekten auf der Seite.
Absolute placement with coffins.
Establish a page layout for an on-screen (PDF) document.
Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output.
Tag author and affiliation information in a key-value style.
Aids for printing simple booklets.
A macro for centering lines.
LaTeX layout inspired by harvmac.
Slide Deck Animation.
Prints ‘continuation’ marks on pages of multipage documents.
Mixing onecolumn and twocolumn modes.
Replace figures with a white box and additional features.
Make empty pages really empty.
Use fig as layout designer for LaTeX.
Print the first line of a paragraph in a different font.
Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines.
Minipage spanning a complete page.
Generalization of LaTeX's minipages.
Page organisation, modelled on CSS facilities.
Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items.
Hanging paragraphs.
Hard wrap text to a certain character length.
Experimental LaTeX3 concepts.
Set up for typesetting in landscape.
Calculate LaTeX settings for any font and paper size.
A package to improve the A4 page layout.
Define leading with a length.
Create small handouts (flyers).
A “dimen” that returns the space left on the line.
Place selected parts of a document in landscape.
A wrapper for using the truncate package with LuaLaTeX.
Automatically remove widows and orphans from any document.
Magazine layout.
Environment for vertical centring.
Modify skips between paragraphs.
Insert pagebreak if not enough space.
Avoid widows.
Layout graphic rich documents.
Page number-only page styles.
Layout with zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip.
Make landscape pages display as landscape.
Absolute content positioning.
Control float placement.
Insertions that keep their place.
Simple portrait/landscape switching.
Position things at absolute positions on the page.
Put objects at an absolute position.
Page layout macros based on PSTricks packages.
Generic ragged left and ragged right options.
Alternative versions of “ragged”-type commands.
Set an entire document raggedright.
Typeset sets of pages upside-down and backwards.
Optimise the use of each page of a LaTeX document.
Put only special contents on left-hand pages in two sided layout.
Draw a page-layout diagram.
Makes appearance of standard styles more "sober".
Addressing various spacing issues.
"Tab" to a measured position in the line.
“Tab” to a measured position in the line.
Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the LaTeX page.
Truncate text to a specified width.
Provide "turn page" instructions.
Macros to print two-up.
Numbering text.
Assist in reducing LaTeX document page counts.
Identify (typographic) widows and orphans.
Simulating word processor layout.
Control text feeding onto the page.