CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

lucold – Use old-style digits with Lucida fonts

The package provides the means to switch the rendering of all the digits of a document from ‘lining’ to ‘old-style’ numbers, when using Lucida fonts. The switch affects all digits in text mode, or all digits in text and math mode. It works both for normal weight and boldface text and math; since the boldface old-style digits are in the Lucida Expert font set, you need it for the boldface digits. Includes a set of AWK programs used to automatically build .fd, .tfm, and .vf files from the existing Lucida PSNFSS distribution, and that may easily changed for the generation of different virtual files for whatever font.

LizenzenGNU General Public License
BetreuerMaurizio Loreti (inaktiv)
Enthalten inTeX Live Contrib als lucold
MiKTeX als lucold
Siehe auchlucidabr

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